Dear valued Personal Pizazz shopper,

Although our numbers are down and vaccinations are up, the store is small. Therefore I am still being very cautious for your safety.

As the only employee, I am fully vaccinated, wearing a mask, and washing my hands frequently. If you have questions beyond what I outline here, feel free to email me at before visiting the store.

While in the store, customers are no longer required to wear masks, but we prefer and strongly recommend them. Please give other customers not in your group their space.  Touchless hand sanitizer is available but not compulsory.  The front and back (with metal security screen) door will be open for air circulation.

If you are immuno-compromised or high-risk and/or have not been vaccinated, stores may not be safe for you. I can ship to your home or offer pickup with phone payment.  I am also happy to pull selections and make suggestions, complete with pictures and measurements.  Or you can schedule an in-store appointment outside of regular hours.  Email to request an appointment.

Please be aware that all parking rules are being enforced on side streets, at meters, and in lots. The metered parking lot behind the store (enter on Russell) has spots almost every day.

I look forward to seeing your faces as soon as you feel ready.  In the meantime, follow us on Instagram @personalpizazz or our Facebook page to see photos of new arrivals.

2928 College Avenue, Berkeley CA 94705    •    510.529.4774    •    Tuesday-Saturday 10-7 & Sunday 12-6